Legal notice


Jecaro e.K.
Hoyerstraße 50
88250 Weingarten

How to find Jecaro

Phone ++49(0)751-7641573 /

Contact form

Legally required information

Commercial register entry
District Court of Ulm HRB 720477

Managing director
Robert Schmidt

Responsible for content
according to Section 55 para. 2 RStV (German State Broadcasting Agreement): Robert Schmidt

Turnover tax identification no.
according to Sec. 27 a German Value Added Tax Act

Dispute resolution
We do not take part in online dispute resolutions at consumer arbitration boards.


Images & diagrams used

Fonts used by Dave Gandy, licensed under SIL OFL 1.1, code licensed under MIT License


Website conception, design and programming by, Raphael Boos

Liability disclaimer

Liability for content
As a service provider, we are liable according to Section 7 para.1 TMG (German Telemedia Act) for our own content on these pages, according to general legislation. However, according to Sections 8 through 10 TMG we as service providers are not obliged to monitor transferred or saved external information or to research the circumstances which indicate an illegal activity. The above does not affect obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general legislation. Liability for such matters is however only possible from the time at which we become aware of a specific breach of law. As soon as we become aware of relevant breaches of legislation, we will immediately remove this content.

Liability for links
Our offer contains links to the external websites of third parties. We have no influence on the content of such sites. For this reason, we cannot give any guarantees for this external content. The relevant provider or operator of the sites in question is responsible for the content of the linked sites At the time of linking, the linked sites were checked for possible violations of the law. No illegal content was apparent at the time of linking. However, permanent monitoring of the contents of the linked sites is not reasonable unless there specific indications of a breach of law. As soon as we become aware of any breaches of legislation, we will immediately remove such links.

The contents and works created by the site operator on these pages are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, processing, distribution and all types of exploitation outside the limits of copyright law require the agreement in writing of the author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are permitted solely for private and not for commercial use. For the contents of this site not created by the operator, the copyright of third parties is observed. In particular, the content of third parties is identified as such. If you nevertheless notice a breach of copyright, we request that you notify us accordingly. If we become aware of breaches of legislation, we will immediately remove such content.